Colour Therapy at Food For Life Wellness Centre

AURA-SOMA equilibrium
AURA-SOMA equilibrium consists of 113 jewel like coloured bottles that contain the energies of colour, plants and crystals Vicky Wall it's founder conceived them in inspiration. Vicky felt that equilibrium was a mirror to the soul enabling one to recognise in their colour choices the reflection of deeper aspects of themselves.
When four bottles are chosen consecutively, a trained AURA-SOMA Practitioner can guide you through the significance of the sequence of your choice and enable a deeper investigation of each of the levels the colours and their respective messages apply to.
AURA-SOMA works with your spiritual and emotional wellbeing. The coloured oils (Equilibrium), pomanders, quintessence, colour essences and other colour related products of AURA-SOMA help you to bring your being into a state of equilibrium. They may help to increase your self-awareness and create a harmonious sense of comfort around and within yourself. Your colour choice reflects your very personal needs and helps you to find a more true understanding of your potential.
Vicky Wall described Equilibrium as "living jewels". Each Equilibrium bottle contains an upper and lower fraction, oil resting upon water. Within these two fractions may be found the essential oils and herbal extracts of the plant kingdom, in combination with the energies of crystals and gems from the mineral kingdom and the energies of colour and light. Taken together these energies may balance the whole of our spiritual selves.
The beauty of the Aura-Soma system is very uplifting just to sit with.
The coloured oils radiate beauty and reflect the beauty within each being. To have an Aura-Soma consultation is a wonderful way to see this beauty and the gifts which we have been given reflected to us by our choice and may help to raise our conscious awareness as to how we may use these gifts in the world.
To book an Aura-Soma consultation, purchase a gift voucher or buy any of the Aura-Soma products you may call in to shop or order by phone 056-7725777 / e-mail info@wellnesscentre.ie.
What Aura-Soma colour care system offers?
We may enter a new found self-awareness.
We can move towards awakening an enthusiasm for life,
Finding more ease in our relationships
Appreciating ourselves and our talents,
Experiencing more love and caring in our lives.
Rebalance, revitalise and harmonise our energies.
Reconnecting with our inner selves and intuition.